
Coffee is considered to be the second commodity marketed in the world after oil, due to the fact that it is the most consumed commercial infusion globally, the present investigation was designed with the objective of publicizing the Costs of Production and Profitability of Coffee Growing (Coffea spp) in the Amazon Region of Ecuador. In the Province of Sucumbios where there are 7,898 Agricultural Production Units (UPAS) distributed in the cantons of Lago Agrio, Shushufindi, Cáscales, Cuyabeno, Putumayo. The methodology used for the development was inductive deductive, in addition direct observations were made in the

Keywords: Cost of production, Profitability and Agricultural Production Units.


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 How to Cite
Macias, S. C. M. (2018). Analisis de los Costos de Producción y Rentabilidad del Cultivo de Café (coffea spp) en la Region Amazonica del Ecuador. International Journal of Social Science and Economics Invention, 4(01), 438 to 449. https://doi.org/10.23958/ijssei/vol04-i01/01

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