
This study aimed to Human Resource Economics of Health Development factor in Jayapura. This research was conducted through a survey of the implementation of health development diaksanakan in order to improve human resources. Eksplanatif design selected for this study to test the hypothesis in structural equations to analyze the influence of the factors of health development in the context of economic development of human resources. Thus, this study used quantitative and qualitative paradigm, ie, testing the hypothesis by using empirical data and primary data for the purpose of development theory and explain the research problem that has been proposed by previous researchers. The research proves that the Human Resources in Health and Health Budget positive and significant impact on the efforts of Health Services, Improved Health Status and Human Resource Economics in Jayapura. Human Resources in Health and Health Budget indirect effect on the Human Resource Economics in Jayapura

Keywords: Economic Development Health and Human Resources in Jayapura.


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 How to Cite
Lambaa, A., & Budhiasa, S. (2017). Economic and Human Resources Condition and the Health Development inJayapura Regency. International Journal of Social Science and Economics Invention, 3(06), 487 to 499. https://doi.org/10.23958/ijssei/vol03-i06/01

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