The present study aimed to inspect the relationship among home sickness, social connectedness, and academic performance. The correlational examination configuration was utilized in this investigation. The N= 300 (150 males and 150 females) test of understudies were taken from various private inns by utilizing purposive examining strategy. The period of test was 18-25 years, M (SD) 2.58 (1.910). The appraisal devices were utilized, Homesickness scale (Heajong, 1999), Social Connectedness Scale Revised (Richard M Lee, 2001) and Academic Performance scale (Zahoor Ahmad, 2018). Examination of correlational was run so as to explore the connection between home disorder, social connectedness and scholarly execution. Control through cycle investigation was utilized to locate the directing function of social connectedness on home infection and scholastic execution. Free example t-test was utilized to quantify the distinction of factors. Results uncovered that home disorder, social connectedness and scholastic execution has non-critical relationship with one another. It was likewise discovered that social connectedness doesn't directing on the relationship of home ailment and scholarly execution. The results of this exploration additionally appeared there was no sexual orientation contrasts in scholastic execution.
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