
Semi-fretless guitar is a new invention that let musician play the tonal and makam music with only one instrument. This invention that we propose is constructed on an organology and ethno-organology of chordophones played by strumming. In fact the invention has no need to be limited by guitar because the specialty of the invention is on his fret system so it can be done in all chordophones with fretboard/fingerboard. In the other hand it is better to start to work on the invention by limitation of instrument and model for optimization of capacity of being achieved. It would be good to clarify the essential instruments who gave the inspiration for the production of semi-fretless guitar; the guitar from the western culture with tonal music and the oud from the eastern culture with makam music. It is very important to prepare a multiculturally rich method of this guitar firstly in English with tonal and makam references.


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 How to Cite
SENALP, T. (2016). “Semi-fretless Guitar Invention and Method Writing”. International Journal of Social Science and Economics Invention, 2(02), 289 to 294. https://doi.org/10.23958/ijssei/vol02-i02/02

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